DB Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC is a Human Resources Management firm specializing in maximizing workforce productivity in both organizations and individuals. |
Contact Information
Website: www.dblatimore.com
Email: info@dblatimore.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 138 Bealeton, VA 22712
Phone: 703-887-6501
• Human Resources Management Services
• Professional Coaching Services
• Organizational Assessments and Consultation
• Custom Designed Strategic Facilitation and Productivity Workshops |
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Professional Coaching Services are offered in a variety of methods to enable enhanced productivity and are available to employees at all levels from Individual Contributor to Senior Leaders.
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About Daphne
Daphne B. Latimore is the founder and Chief Executive of D.B. Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC a boutique firm specializing in Human Resource Management Consulting, Professional Coaching Services and Workforce Seminars.
As a senior HR Practitioner and Corporate Executive Daphne's leadership accomplishments have been cultivated within both the public and private sectors, with extensive experience in coaching and consulting senior leaders across diverse lines of business.
Daphne's business acumen, her 30 years of strategic and operational expertise and the application of Human Capital principles have been credited for successfully transforming and aligning domestic and international HR organizations with corporate business imperatives. She specializes in establishing sustainable workforce productivity programs and creating frameworks to support enterprise wide transitions. Her background includes cultural transformation, talent management and organizational effectiveness. Additionally, she is a skilled professional in the leadership of large scale integration efforts for mergers and acquisitions as well as oversight of corporate divestitures. Daphne is a featured columnist for Ealon Magazine, providing insightful guidance on career management. |
Our Logo 
The hummingbird logo represents the potential agility of any workforce. We support the belief that minor adjustments to the way work is defined and delivered will improve the productivity of the performing unit and ultimately the organization |
January 2017 |
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Happy New Year!
On Thanksgiving, I announced to the family that our family game was going to be UNO this year. My rationale was simple; it was the perfect game for everyone. Our 3-year-old grandson could play because he was learning his numbers and colors, and perfect for my 5-year-old granddaughter because she was learning about more and less in kindergarten. All the adults agreed not to become overzealous in our play—(card games can get intense).
As we sat down to play my grandson was between his mom and granddad and my granddaughter was seated between her dad and granddad. We played multiple rounds and my granddaughter won each time! I began to wonder how this could be, so I started to really pay attention to the game. To my surprise, I noticed an interesting phenomenon, whenever it was my son-in-law's turn to play in front of my granddaughter; he would draw a card from the deck. If the game was reversed and my husband had to play in front of my granddaughter he would either skip her or draw a card. Conversely, whenever my husband played in front of my grandson, he would have him draw cards and when my son-in-law played in front of me, he would draw cards. I quickly realized the unconscious bias and pointed it out to my daughter.
After my granddaughter won yet another hand and before we started another game, I took a teachable moment for my husband and son-in-law on my observations, which of course they denied. The next game my granddaughter lost, each time she had to draw a card, she would get this sad look on her face and because the "men" knew we were watching, they could not cushion her turn at play. When she lost, they crumbled saying "it's okay you'll win next time." There was no pity from me or my daughter—we told them they needed to fix this and explain to her the rules and how to play within the rules. No favoritism just because she is a girl. I also pointed out to my son-in-law that he could not show preferential treatment to me because I was "mom." He looked exasperated and said "what am I supposed to do...?" I laughed and said treat everyone the same.
As a post script, my 3-year-old grandson had a great time. If the card on the pile was three he threw down a three or if was green he threw down a red three. He won the game; his sister lost.
Parenting doesn't come with a job description—and that's probably a good thing for the sake of the species. But if it did, it would be a long one. In her book, If You've Ever Raised Kids, You Can Manage Anything, author Ann Crittenden lists a dozen distinct "jobs" within the umbrella of raising children and managing a household, ranging from crisis management to tending the pets. She cites other studies that have come up with even longer lists. But to parents, "managing" isn't high praise. Managing is equated with getting by, coping, surviving.
In the corporate world, on the other hand, "managing" is a job. READ MORE
Each New Year brings great life opportunities, to nurture and grow our core foundation professionally and personally. This month, I challenge you to incorporate your strengths in all aspects of your life. If you are a great organizer at work, organize a family or community event. If you are the ultimate mediator at home, apply those skills in the workplace.
I welcome the opportunity to work with you on your integrated journey. Don't hesitate to contact me.

DB Latimore operates from the firm belief that when policies, procedures and programs (P) are aligned with the efficiencies (E) of tools and systems, we optimize (O) our resources through product (P) affinity and collaborative leadership (L) to enable an engaged (E) workforce. |