DB Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC is a Human Resources Management firm specializing in maximizing workforce productivity in both organizations and individuals. |
Contact Information
Website: www.dblatimore.com
Email: info@dblatimore.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 138 Bealeton, VA 22712
Phone: 703-887-6501
• Human Resources Management Services
• Professional Coaching Services
• Organizational Assessments and Consultation
• Custom Designed Strategic Facilitation and Productivity Workshops |
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Professional Coaching Services are offered in a variety of methods to enable enhanced productivity and are available to employees at all levels from Individual Contributor to Senior Leaders.
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About Daphne
Daphne B. Latimore is the founder and Chief Executive of D.B. Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC a boutique firm specializing in Human Resource Management Consulting, Professional Coaching Services and Workforce Seminars.
As a senior HR Practitioner and Corporate Executive Daphne's leadership accomplishments have been cultivated within both the public and private sectors, with extensive experience in coaching and consulting senior leaders across diverse lines of business.
Daphne's business acumen, her 30 years of strategic and operational expertise and the application of Human Capital principles have been credited for successfully transforming and aligning domestic and international HR organizations with corporate business imperatives. She specializes in establishing sustainable workforce productivity programs and creating frameworks to support enterprise wide transitions. Her background includes cultural transformation, talent management and organizational effectiveness. Additionally, she is a skilled professional in the leadership of large scale integration efforts for mergers and acquisitions as well as oversight of corporate divestitures. Daphne is a featured columnist for Ealon Magazine, providing insightful guidance on career management. |
Our Logo 
The hummingbird logo represents the potential agility of any workforce. We support the belief that minor adjustments to the way work is defined and delivered will improve the productivity of the performing unit and ultimately the organization |
September 2017 |
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The Panera Bread Debacle & The Resonant Leader
I will begin this article with an admission that I made a mistake.
Earlier this month, I began my daily routine at 5 am, reviewing my schedule for the day, and checking emails to see if anything had changed overnight. On this day, I realized that I had a full day beginning at 7am and ending at 6 pm.
To maximize my productivity, I knew I would have to integrate as many activities as possible. I decided to place a Rapid Pick Up order at Panera Bread to cover lunch, prep dinner and set the timer for it to cook, so that it would be ready when we returned home and cut my morning exercise routine to 30 minutes on the treadmill. My day was off to a great start, when I started my first coaching session at 7 am.
On my way to my client site, I stopped at Panera Bread to pick up my order and to my surprise it was not ready. I actually stood there looking perplexed (I'm sure you can visualize this) and saying, "hmmm, this has never happened before." After a moment, I checked with one of the employees, who began the search for the missing order. It was quickly determined that they had not received the order. Graciously, they offered to immediately make my salad (which I had customized). I refused saying—I put this in at 5 am. I don't have time and walked away. While waiting for the red light, I checked my confirmation number and to my chagrin, I had placed the order at the wrong Panera. I already felt bad for spewing negative energy into the Panera, and I knew that I had to do something to correct the situation. I first called the DC location to let them know that I had placed the order at the wrong location (yes, my salad was ready and waiting) and to please cancel. Then I humbled myself and called the Warrenton location to offer my apologies and admit my error. Both managers accepted my apologies.
An hour later, during a meeting with my clients, to discuss Leadership Development, I conveyed the story, explaining Emotional Intelligence and the Resonant Leader, focusing on my responsibility to have self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management in this situation. Ironically, during this discussion, the CEO sent us a note to say that he had arrived and to make sure we enjoy the Panera Bread Pastries he had placed in the break room. Needless to say we had a hearty laugh.
The term resonant leader was popularized in a 2002 book titled Primal Leadership, written by Daniel Goleman, father of the concept of emotional intelligence, along with emotional intelligence researchers Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee.
Since then, Boyatzis and McKee have continued their research in this field. In their recent book, Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope, and Compassion, they have come up with surprising recommendations for what it takes to achieve and sustain resonant leadership—not just corporate management, but leadership within any kind of organization, family, social group, including what they call "leadership around your own life." Read More on Leadership as Relationship, Battling the Sacrifice Syndrome, and the Importance of Self-Assessment.
Are you a Resonant Leader? This month I encourage you to take the path of self-discovery, by assessing your level of Emotional Intelligence.
I would appreciate the opportunity of engaging with you on your journey, sign up for a free consultation by typing FREE CONSULTATION in the message section.

2017 Authenticity Professional Women Retreat "Achieving Integration for Career Success" Fayettteville, NC October 14, 2017 Registration Now Open
Signature Coaching Program We are currently accepting new coaching clients For a free consultation contact us: Complimentary Session
72-Hour Human Resources Organizational Audit Schedule your Consultation today Learn More
Online Self Study Coaching Program Available Now
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DB Latimore operates from the firm belief that when policies, procedures and programs (P) are aligned with the efficiencies (E) of tools and systems, we optimize (O) our resources through product (P) affinity and collaborative leadership (L) to enable an engaged (E) workforce. |