Is it just me or does it seem as though March is flying by like it has somewhere to be? Spring Break has come and gone (or is approaching for some), and it’s a good time to reflect on what went well for you this quarter. This is also the time to determine if you were well this quarter. Not in terms of KPIs around sales or goals, but as a human being. Are you feeling burned out already? Do you need to reset or pivot in any way to ensure you are showing up as your best self?

For those who may not have heard, I recently lost my mother this month, thus making this pre-planned topic about being well, hit close to home and very personal for me.

To be candid, due to the circumstances, I did not have a normal workflow. Usually when I take time off, I still peep at emails for my own sanity; but rightfully so this time was different. I disconnected completely, and am currently giving myself an immense amount of grace. Slowly but surely I am what I like to call, “getting back to better”, one day at a time. For me this looks like, on the days that I’m only able to give 40%, I still count that as 100%, because it’s all I have, and that’s ok for me.

What are some of the ways that you are deploying wellness in your daily activities? This is your reminder to not wait until a big life event happens to exercise wellness habits. Check-in with yourself as much as needed to be well.

With Gratitude,

The phrase, “look good, feel good, do good”, is not a facade. How you show up for yourself and others truly can make or break one’s ability to lead and make sound decisions. This does not happen by ignoring your overall wellness. Once again, thanks to the pandemic, the subject of being well was under a microscope and received more emphasis than ever before.

We work with our clients to holistically assess their environment, and this includes employee engagement and total health. In our new blog, we discuss the importance of Being Well in the Workplace.

Read our latest blog


 Meet us at the Counter

Sometimes you can be your own culprit in defying wellness. It’s not uncommon to blame other people, places, or things, for the reasons why you have not executed. Time management holds big weight in this arena, since it tends to be accompanied by the phrase “there’s not enough time in the day”. Our work in the field has shown us that, while time management is a factor, one must always consider the action being taken within a work-day.

What is your discipline management like? Could it be possible that there may be some deficiencies amongst your timeline commitments, schedule, or overall prioritization/procrastination?

If this resonates, then you should meet us at this month’s Coach’s Counter! Tune in to our virtual peer-to-peer coaching session and gain insight that can help fuel your personal growth and operations.

Learn more about this month’s topic and offerings for our Coach’s Counter community here.

Authenticity Professional Women's Network

Calling all professional women! Don’t forget to stay connected with our Facebook Group.

We will soon announce our first event of the year and we’d love you to join us!

If you know someone who should be a part of this community, please share this with them accordingly.

