DB Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC is a Human Resources Management firm specializing in maximizing workforce productivity in both organizations and individuals. |
Contact Information
Website: www.dblatimore.com
Email: info@dblatimore.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 138 Bealeton, VA 22712
Phone: 703-887-6501
• Human Resources Management Services
• Professional Coaching Services
• Organizational Assessments and Consultation
• Custom Designed Strategic Facilitation and Productivity Workshops |
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Professional Coaching Services are offered in a variety of methods to enable enhanced productivity and are available to employees at all levels from Individual Contributor to Senior Leaders.
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About Daphne
Daphne B. Latimore is the founder and Chief Executive of D.B. Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC a boutique firm specializing in Human Resource Management Consulting, Professional Coaching Services and Workforce Seminars.
As a senior HR Practitioner and Corporate Executive Daphne's leadership accomplishments have been cultivated within both the public and private sectors, with extensive experience in coaching and consulting senior leaders across diverse lines of business.
Daphne's business acumen, her 30 years of strategic and operational expertise and the application of Human Capital principles have been credited for successfully transforming and aligning domestic and international HR organizations with corporate business imperatives. She specializes in establishing sustainable workforce productivity programs and creating frameworks to support enterprise wide transitions. Her background includes cultural transformation, talent management and organizational effectiveness. Additionally, she is a skilled professional in the leadership of large scale integration efforts for mergers and acquisitions as well as oversight of corporate divestitures. Daphne is a featured columnist for Ealon Magazine, providing insightful guidance on career management. |
Our Logo 
The hummingbird logo represents the potential agility of any workforce. We support the belief that minor adjustments to the way work is defined and delivered will improve the productivity of the performing unit and ultimately the organization |
June 2016 |
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Most corporations devote an entire segment of the Human Resources division to managing employee relations. The primary focus of the Employee Relations department is to offer consultation, facilitation and resolution strategies for workplace issues. I am very comfortable stating that the cornerstone of successful employee relations activities is effective management of communication and the perceive conflict based on our perception of reality.
What stories do you "tale" about your organization or your work environment? Recently, I was brought in to facilitate a Productivity Intervention Meeting. In short, the engagement was focused on understanding the downward spiral of a highly productive group into mediocracy... In preparation for the engagement, my one on one interviews revealed that the stories conveyed by each member of the team about the departmental operations, changes, team interactions were astonishingly different, but most importantly their perceptions were impacting the ability of the team to perform. As a side note, it was everyone else's problem.
What stories do you "tale?" Typically a "tale" is thought of as a lie. However in actually, there are many definitions for tale: a story about imaginary events; an exciting or dramatic story; a story about someone's actual experiences. In the workplace, the tale is an account of someone's actual experience, which may include embellishments based on the perception of what that experience means. It is the perception of experiences that lead to workplace issues. Are your stories impacting organizational productivity? This month, I challenge you to explore your tale and the impact it is having on your relationships and your workforce productivity. Focus on assessing the truth embedded in the tale. How do you react when you think and share your tale and explore actions to assist you in moving forward productively.
Don't hesitate to contact me to assist you in leading a Productivity Intervention for you or your organization.

To support your Leaders Journey, please accept my free offering: Success Tips for Leaders. This offering includes a tip each month delivered to your inbox.
To start your monthly tips, click here. |
Oh, The Tales We Tell: Getting Beyond Our Stories At Work
Every day, Jerome begins his work by telling himself his favorite story: I'm not valued around here. They're heaping on the work just to see when I'll quit. I'm sure to be passed over for promotion.
His co-worker, Alissa, has her own favorite story: This company's president is a critical and demanding control freak, who shuts me out of every decision but expects me to know everything.
Every day, we tell ourselves enough of these kinds of stories to fill a library: Why my supervisor closed her door today. Why the client rejected my proposal. What my associate meant when he laughed at my question. Why everyone is being so difficult. How I'm such a failure.
And on, and on, and on. And that's just at work. What about the stories we tell ourselves at home?
We live our lives as if the stories are true. We act and react, often in pain, from our often mistaken understanding of another's words or actions, our assumptions about why they are saying or doing what they are, and our thoughts about how those people—and we, ourselves—should be different.
Author's content used with permission, © Claire Communications
DB Latimore operates from the firm belief that when policies, procedures and programs (P) are aligned with the efficiencies (E) of tools and systems, we optimize (O) our resources through product (P) affinity and collaborative leadership (L) to enable an engaged (E) workforce. |