DB Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC is a Human Resources Management firm specializing in maximizing workforce productivity in both organizations and individuals. |
Contact Information
Website: www.dblatimore.com
Email: info@dblatimore.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 138 Bealeton, VA 22712
Phone: 703-887-6501
• Human Resources Management Services
• Professional Coaching Services
• Organizational Assessments and Consultation
• Custom Designed Strategic Facilitation and Productivity Workshops |
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Professional Coaching Services are offered in a variety of methods to enable enhanced productivity and are available to employees at all levels from Individual Contributor to Senior Leaders.
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About Daphne
Daphne B. Latimore is the founder and Chief Executive of D.B. Latimore Professional Services Group, LLC a boutique firm specializing in Human Resource Management Consulting, Professional Coaching Services and Workforce Seminars.
As a senior HR Practitioner and Corporate Executive Daphne's leadership accomplishments have been cultivated within both the public and private sectors, with extensive experience in coaching and consulting senior leaders across diverse lines of business.
Daphne's business acumen, her 30 years of strategic and operational expertise and the application of Human Capital principles have been credited for successfully transforming and aligning domestic and international HR organizations with corporate business imperatives. She specializes in establishing sustainable workforce productivity programs and creating frameworks to support enterprise wide transitions. Her background includes cultural transformation, talent management and organizational effectiveness. Additionally, she is a skilled professional in the leadership of large scale integration efforts for mergers and acquisitions as well as oversight of corporate divestitures. Daphne is a featured columnist for Ealon Magazine, providing insightful guidance on career management. |
Our Logo 
The hummingbird logo represents the potential agility of any workforce. We support the belief that minor adjustments to the way work is defined and delivered will improve the productivity of the performing unit and ultimately the organization |
August 2016 |
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I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Olympics. The event is a time for countries to showcase their best athletic talent and a time when coaches are called upon to make tough team decisions in order to maximize the team performance.
In Rio, this was demonstrated at least three times. In swimming, the decision to include Ryan Held as a member of the men's 4x100 meter freestyle; Maya DiRado as a member of the Women's 4x200 meter freestyle relay and the decision to not put Laurie Hernandez or Gabby Douglas forward to represent the U.S. Women's Gymnastics team in the Individual All-Around competition. In each of these decisions, the coaches had a number of talented athletes to choose from, team members whom each had talent and strengths in their area of expertise. However, ultimately the coach decided on the team or individuals that would best achieve the goal of winning gold.
Optimizing Resources (the third facet of the Productivity Powered by P.E.O.P.L.E.® framework) focuses on understanding the talent within your organization or team and having the agility to utilize that talent where it can best support the organizational mission to achieve the best results.
An effective way to build a world-class team is through playing around. In my work, I have worked with teams at varying stages of the organizational lifecycle from startups, to growth, maturity and decline. In each instance, we incorporated games as a developmental tool to enhance team productivity and cohesiveness. It is important to note that team development is a process in which a team takes time to explore its potential—how it can become greater than it's been before. This differs from team building in which the aim is to build relationships through experiential exercises. During each of my engagements, we coupled team development with team building, as a result the leadership as well as the team members left with a greater sense of the individual and team strengths, and recognition of the value in optimizing its resources.
This month I challenge you to explore the productivity of your team and the value of incorporating playing around for enhance performance.
I am available to assist you in creating a customized team development program; don't hesitate to contact me.

To support your Leaders Journey, please accept my free offering for a mini organizational audit. Schedule Today!
Playing Around: The Role of Games in Creating World-Class Workplace Teams
Basketball great Michael Jordon once said, "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
Jordan might have been referring to basketball, but it's no less true of teams put together to produce champion results for businesses large and small. And while Jordan's team was all about playing games, businesses sometimes need the help of games to mold and cement effective work teams.
"Team building games are designed to help team leaders transform a group of loosely connected employees into a dynamic and productive team—a process that seldom occurs naturally," according to John Newstrom and Edward Scannel, authors of The Big Book of Team Building Games.
Games are certainly not the only way to build high-performance teams. Classroom training, role-playing, profile testing and other structures all play a positive role. But when team members go away from the office, dress informally and get outside their "business as usual" selves, what tends to happen is that "positions" are forgotten and people show more of their true nature.
Author's content used with permission, © Claire Communications
DB Latimore operates from the firm belief that when policies, procedures and programs (P) are aligned with the efficiencies (E) of tools and systems, we optimize (O) our resources through product (P) affinity and collaborative leadership (L) to enable an engaged (E) workforce. |